Tuesday 8 November 2016

8 Social Media Content Ideas for Marketers

Do you have trouble coming up with original social media posts each day?
Looking for quick and easy content prompts to help?
When you have a lot of things on your plate, it’s easy to feel uninspired or struggle to come up with fresh content ideas.
In this article, you’ll discover eight content ideas to help you add more social posts to your social media content calendar.

Discover eight social content ideas for marketers.

#1: Follow Daily Themes

Choosing themes for specific days of the week will make it easier to come up with content for your social media accounts. Recurring themes also create consistency for your brand and give your audience something to look forward to every day.
Try one or a combination of these themes and see what receives the most engagement from your audience:
Monday: Motivation Monday, Music Monday
Tuesday: Tuesday Tip, Trivia Tuesday, Tuesday Treat
Wednesday: Wacky Wednesday, Wednesday Wisdom
wacky wednesday social post example
The Hampton Inn Pittsburgh Airport has fun promoting their breakfast buffet on #WackyWednesday.
Thursday: Throwback Thursday, Thursday Thoughts, Thankful Thursday
Friday: Follow Friday, TGIF, Friday Fun
tgif social post example
Coastal Living Magazine posted a featured cocktail for TGIF and directed its audience to a blog for the recipe.
Saturday: Selfie Saturday, Saturday Swag, Social Saturday
Sunday: Sunday Funday, Sunday Selfie
These themes are all popular hashtags, so make sure you include the hashtag when you post on Twitter and Instagram.
selfie saturday social post example
Make sure you include the theme hashtag in your social media post.
At the end of each week, plan out your themes for the coming week on your calendar. Spend a few months posting different themes and see what your audience responds best to.
By creating a consistent theme for different days of the week, you’ll always know what you’ll be posting.

#2: Celebrate a Funny or Unusual Holiday

Did you know that April 9th is “Name Yourself Day” or that October 8th is “Octopus Day”? Every day of the year boasts at least one unusual holiday that your audience has never heard of. Have fun posting about these holidays on your social media profiles and be sure to include the hashtags for each holiday.
The Virginia Stage Company posted about #PlayInTheSandDay to promote an upcoming show, helping them reach a wider audience.
unusual holiday social post example
Virginia Stage Company brought a branded item to the beach to “play in the sand,” making their photos really stand out on Twitter.
Sweet Lydia’s Handcrafted Confections marked the calendar for “National S’mores Day” and ran a promotion offering a discount that day on s’mores, a signature item.
unusual holiday social post example
Find a day of the year that’s perfectly aligned with your business and plan a promotion for that day.
The easy-to-navigate site Days of the Year lists all of the holidays you’ve likely never heard of. Select which holidays you want to incorporate in your posts and use a tool like Pablo to create a graphic with a relevant photo.
days of the year website
You’ll find a comprehensive list of holidays at Days of the Year.
Use a clear call to action to encourage your audience to engage. The call to action could be as simple as asking people to answer a question or make a purchase to receive a limited-time offer.
unusual holiday social post example
Use a call to action in your posts to encourage engagement.
People love hearing fun facts and trivia. Never-before-heard-of holidays fall in this category. Get creative and have fun, and your audience is sure to respond by commenting, liking, and sharing your posts.

#3: Pose an Engaging Question

People love giving their opinions and sharing personal experiences on social media. An easy to way to encourage engagement from your community is to ask a question.
For example, if you’re a travel agency, ask a simple question like “What’s your favorite vacation spot during the summer?” or “Where do you want to go for your next family vacation?” Include a graphic or photo to boost visibility. More people will notice a post with an image than an all-text post.
social post question example
Garavanian Travel shared a post from Sandals Resort and asked a simple question: “ocean or pool?”
You can also get people talking by asking them to make a prediction (such as “Who’s going to win the Super Bowl this year?”) or by giving them two options and asking what their preference is and why.

#4: Ask Fans to “Fill in the Blank”

A fill-in-the-blank post like “The last TV show I binge watched was __________” or “My go-to dinner is __________” will help inspire conversation on your social accounts.
On Facebook, the online dating site eHarmony posts fill-in-the-blanks that are related to their industry. Fans responded to this post with qualities they’re looking for in a mate.
social post fill in the blank example
Use an eye-catching graphic whenever you post this type of content.

#5: Post a “Caption This” Photo

Posting a photo and asking your audience to provide a caption is a creative way to encourage interaction. Consider giving a prize to the person with the best caption.
The Goldenrod posted this photo of a double rainbow over their store and asked their audience to “caption this.”
caption this facebook post example
Choose an interesting photo and ask your fans to supply a caption.
You can also turn the tables and ask your fans to post a photo about a topic of your choosing. For example, “Let’s have some fun today! Post the fifth photo that appears in your camera roll along with a short caption. We’d love to see it!”

#6: Spotlight the People Behind Your Business

Showing the human side to your business helps you make more meaningful connections with your fans. One way to do this is to turn the spotlight on your employees.
Post photos of your employees with a fun Q&A so your audience can get to know them and their role in the company.
social post with employee example
Let your fans get to know your employees on a personal level.
When your employees celebrate a work anniversary, congratulate them by posting a photo and offering a few nice words. Blue Bumble Creative profiles new employees and celebrates work anniversaries on their Facebook page.
social post with employee example
Blue Bumble congratulates Colleen with a fun photo that will surely grab their audience’s attention.

#7: Share Relevant Third-Party Resources

Have you come across something on social media that your audience would find interesting, entertaining, or useful? Sharing is caring!
For example, share a great article or resource your target audience would find helpful. Your audience will love that you’re bringing valuable content to them. It’s so much easier than having to search for it themselves.
facebook post with third party content
Share content that your community will find helpful.

#8: Help Promote Local Events

If you’re a local businessplug an event that’s happening in your community such as a fundraiser or a high school football game. This is a way to show goodwill and demonstrate that your business is invested in your community.
social post to promote local event
Seas the Day Rentals shared the local community’s 4th of July fireworks schedule on their Facebook page.

Bonus Content Ideas to Promote Your Business
Here are some content ideas you can use to promote your products and services on your social channels:
  • Share client testimonials (with their permission), along with their photo or perhaps a link to their website or social media page (if you’re B2B).
  • Post a frequently asked question (FAQ) from your customers along with your answer.
  • Provide a link to your most current or relevant newsletter and invite your audience to sign up for your email list.
  • Do you have a popular product or service (or something you’re trying to promote)? Post information about it so your audience can find out more. Link to a coupon, discount, or the product/service page of your website.
promote product in social post example
When promoting your products, provide a link to a discount or coupon or to the product page of your website.
Content creation doesn’t have to be overwhelming or time-consuming. Creating a go-to list of ideas is a surefire way to keep your social media content calendar full.

Be sure to set aside time at the end or beginning of each week to schedule your content for the following week. Also check in regularly to respond to audience comments and messages.

What do you think? What tips can you share for filling up your social media content calendar? Please share your thoughts in the comments below.


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