Sunday 6 November 2016


Let’s start at the beginning: why did you build your shiny new website? Our guess is you wanted to engage with key stakeholders online. And while users come to websites for a variety of reasons, it’s almost certain that they do not come to hear about how wonderful you are. And yet, that’s what most websites focus on. Yawn.

Content Strategy — Give Your Customers What They Are Looking For

Here’s the truth: if customers can’t find what they are looking for on your site, they bounce right off, pre-engagement. Fortunately, we can help. We have a proven process for capturing the right content (education, sales sheets, tables, etc) on your site, and putting it right where customers can find it. Boom! You’re a hero.

Clarifying Site Goals

First things first, though. We need to verify the goals for your site, and we start by asking questions like these: Are you looking to generate sales leads? To push information about your latest products and services? To engage with investors? To provide support to your sales force? Do you have baselines or expectations in term of performance?

We’ll sort through the answers so we know what success looks like. Then we can go after some wins.

Defining Personas

Sales 101 starts with “Put yourself in the customer’s shoes,” and websites are today’s cold call. Have you considered all the different stakeholders that you want to come to your website and what they want to find and do there? We like to spend a bit of time on this, because it helps define everything we do going forward.

Auditing & Repurposing Content

Once we know the personas we are talking to, we can look at your current content to determine if it is complete and targeted enough. Are you speaking to all of your stakeholders with the content on your site? If so, bully! The next step is making sure everything is easy to find.
If not, we can transform materials you currently produce for other purposes into effective web content. Do your technical people write papers for conferences? Have you had some good PR lately? Do your sales people have a good presentation that could work online? Remember the animation you produced for your last trade show? Leveraging these assets into useful content for a larger audience is both smart and economical.

New Content: Keeping it fresh

If you still need more content, well, that’s our specialty. We can develop an editorial calendar for the year that will keep your visitors engaged and interacting with you on a regular basis. From animations to videos, to technical papers and case studies, we have experience in helping our clients generate content that builds traffic and converts sales leads. In the end, we’re helping you build relationships. That’s Sales 101, too.

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