Tuesday 6 December 2016

10 Free Lead Generation Platforms For Start-up Marketing

10 Free Lead Generation Platforms For Start-up Marketing: Start Brewing Quality Leads Instantly.

Quality leads are the lifeline of any company but getting quality leads is not as easy as a pie. 

While some companies spend a lot on buying leads from other sources, few have dedicated teams for lead generation and pre-sales and others with lower marketing budgets leave it on sales people to generate leads as well as close sales deals. 

10 Most powerful platforms or Tools for generating leads and sales

Amidst all hunt for sales leads and all budgets been allocated and all resources exhausted we miss out some free leads sources and don't believe that we can generate quality leads with much ado. 

1. Website

If your website is not getting you any leads you should seriously do something about it. It is a cost to host and maintain a website which you are not fully utilizing for the purpose. 

Businesses are doing it successfully by relying majorly on leads from websites

Optimize your content to reach the suitable audience and/ or prospects. Make a proper strategy to capture leads on your website. 

Pop-ups are a great way to increase conversions and lead capturing statistics. Creating landing pages specific to campaigns across all social media platforms is imperative to conversion and optimization.

2. Blog

A blog is one of the most reliable medium to generate leads for your business. An optimized content strategy along with a signup page is all that you need to get started. Guest post on other blogs with relevant traffic is another good source to get people on your website. 


3. Facebook

Facebook is a haven not only for B2B but B2C leads as well. It can be effectively utilized as a free lead generation platform if planned correctly. 

4. Twitter

Use hashtags and increase your visibility among your audience. Either a trending topic or your relevant topics, wisely select the hashtags. 

For example if you are selling a holiday in Spain Select hashtags like #Malaga, #Valencia, etc.

5. Linkedin

There is much more to LinkedIn than just maintain a professional identity and the connections which you never interact with. Linkedin has identified this potential and launched LinkedIn lead generator tool

While still without employing any tool you can use the advance search feature to generate leads from LinkedIn. Look for people who fit in your prospect’s parameter and connect with them regularly through LinkedIn messages and start generating leads.

6. Quora

By establishing yourself as an expert and leveraging Quora's Robust analytics you can generate quality leads from this platform. You can leave your website links in comments and Quora has a valuable feature which allows build trackbacks to your site and it helps your SEO. 

Participate in answering the questions which you expertise in and asking questions as well. 

Give answers according to your expertise and build a reputation for yourself. 

7. Pinterest

With 70 million registered users and 40 million active users, Pinterest is still the most underestimated platform by the businesses. One of the biggest platforms for image sharing inspires 70% of its visitors for their buying decisions according to a report.

8. Email marketing

email marketing- one of the most conventional methods - is still as effective to get quality leads. A well designed email with a captivating subject-line and optimized for both desktop and mobile phone users is a perfect ingredient for capturing leads through the funnel. 

9. Online Forums

Online forums are still a great source for B2B leads. Forums are meant to ask questions and answer to questions. One needs to be mindful of the aforesaid fact and does not at any point of time seems pushy or found to be selling their product/s. 

It will yield no results rather ruin your reputation. The key is to expertise the art of getting people know about your blog or website in a way that is compelling and gets you quality leads. 

10. Youtube

Think of an engaging video rather than a promotional commercial to reach out your niche. Put direct links into the video to specific landing pages on your website. 

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