Thursday 12 January 2017

5 Ways to Repurpose Your Popular Social Media Posts

Want to get more out of your social media content?
Wondering how you can save time and increase engagement?
By repurposing popular posts and content on one platform for use on another, you can give your followers more of what they want.
In this article, you’ll discover five ways to find and repurpose your most popular Facebook, Twitter, and Instagram posts.

Find Your Popular Posts

With the right tools, finding your most popular posts on Facebook, Twitter, and Instagram is easier than you might think.
On Facebook, you’ll find the most popular posts for your business’s Facebook page by going to Facebook’s Insights tool.
To use Insights, click the Insights tab at the top of your Facebook page. Then in the sidebar on the left, click Posts to see data about your Facebook posts.
In Facebook Insights, click Posts to find the most popular posts on your Facebook page.
In Facebook Insights, click Posts to find the most popular posts on your Facebook page.
Scroll down to see the area where you can filter your posts. If you click Engagement, you’ll see data about Post Clicks as well as Reactions, Comments & Shares. It’s interesting to look at both. However, to find your most popular Facebook posts, disregard content that you paid to promote and focus on the posts that rank highest for Reactions, Comments & Shares.
See all of your Facebook posts and filter them based on your needs.
See all of your Facebook posts and filter them based on your needs.
Finding your top Twitter posts is even easier than finding top posts on Facebook. Just head to your Twitter Analytics dashboard. Scroll down and you’ll find your top tweets month by month.
Twitter Analytics shows your top tweets, mentions, followers, and other analytics.
Twitter Analytics shows your top tweets, mentions, followers, and other analytics.
Unlike Facebook and Twitter, Instagram doesn’t have a built-in analytics tool. However, you can choose from plenty of third-party Instagram analytics tools.
If you’re looking for something quick, free, and simple, 2016 Best Nine can display your top nine posts for 2016 in a simple graphic. Unfortunately, the 2016 Best Nine tool doesn’t factor in comments or video views, so it’s limited. But hey, it’s quick and simple. What more can you ask from a free tool?
Here's an example of Target's top nine Instagram posts in 2016.
Here’s an example of Target’s top nine Instagram posts in 2016.
Now that you’ve identified your most engaging social media posts, here are five ways to repurpose the content in those posts.

#1: Pin a Top Instagram Photo on Pinterest

Whether you added a sweet quote to a beautiful scenic image or simply took a shot of your cluttered office and the picture went viral, turning it into a pin is an easy way to gain extra traffic.
First upload the photo to a relevant page on your website. Then log into Pinterestgo to your profile, and click Pins > Save Pin. You can either put in the URL or upload your own image.
To get more traffic from a popular image post, pin the image to a Pinterest board.
To get more traffic from a popular image post, pin the image to a Pinterest board.
After you pin your image, edit the description. Make it catchy and point it back to the page hosting the image on your website. Then post the pin to a relevant board and tell your followers about it. Creating pins in this way will send extra traffic to your website and expand the reach of your content.

#2: Repurpose Well-received Tweets as Graphics

When you have text that your audience loves, repurpose it for easy engagement. Many popular tweets are stand-alone text quotes. You can pop the tweet text onto a picture and tweet it again. Heck, you can also post the image quote on Instagram, Facebook, and even Pinterest.
You can repurpose popular tweets as image posts.
You can repurpose popular tweets as image posts.
For help creating the image, try a tool such as Adobe Spark, Canva, or Buffer’s Pablo. After you create an accountchoose a template designed to work with a specific social media platform (for example, a Facebook- or Instagram-sized image). Then copy and paste the quote into the text boxchoose a background, and tweak the image until you like the result.
Use Adobe Spark to turn a popular tweet into an image you can share on other social media platforms.
Use Adobe Spark to turn a popular tweet into an image you can share on other social media platforms.

#3: Turn Stand-out Facebook Posts Into Blog Posts or Videos

If content marketing is a part of your business’s bag of marketing tricks, coming up with great content ideas can be difficult. With proven Facebook posts, it doesn’t have to be.
Normally the Facebook posts that get the most engagement are longer posts about serious opinions, cited research, or inspiration. If you have a post like that among your top posts, consider writing a blog post that repurposes content from the Facebook post.
Similarly, turn a written post into a video to help your proven content reach a new audience. Check out this guide on how to create video on a budget if you’re ready to start with video.

#4: Compile Favorite Quotes or Stats Into a SlideShare Presentation

With over 70 million users, SlideShare is becoming a social media platform in its own right. If you’re not already creating SlideShare presentations, you should be!
To create a great presentation, you need great content. If you already have a list of quotes or statistics that your followers love, all you have to do is put that content into a SlideShare slideshow. For example, this blog post was turned into this SlideShare.
Content Markting Institute posted a SlideShare built from a popular predictions post.
Content Markting Institute posted a SlideShare built from a popular predictions post.
Of course, creating a quote presentation is only one of the many uses of SlideShare for business. You could also create a how-to guide or share popular information about your industry.

#5: Pull Popular Tweets Into a Twitter Moment

Twitter Moments is a new feature Twitter launched in October of last, but it only recently became available to everyone. It’s great for telling a story or bringing together awesome content.
If you have a set of related top tweets, you can combine and reshare your tweets as a Twitter moment.
Amazon created a Twitter moment to chronicle the restoration of the first Honda automobile imported into the U.S.
Honda created a Twitter moment to celebrate the year-long restoration of the first Honda automobile imported into the U.S.
Here are a few tips for making your moment:
  • Keep the title and description short and sweet. Give just enough detail to make someone want to learn more.
  • Create a story, if possible. The best Twitter moments include a narrative.
  • Use lots of image posts. A picture is worth a thousand words, which is a lot more characters than you get in a tweet.
Repurposing proven content is the easiest way to attract extra engagement out of the work you’ve already spent a lot of time creating. Use these tips to grow your levels of engagement and find out more about your target audience.
You already know this: Social media is about building relationships, not posting things for the sake of posting. Spend time looking at that list you’ve created to learn how you can deepen those relationships with your followers and give them more of what they want.

What do you think? Have any other tips on repurposing content? Drop a comment so we can chat about it!

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